
发布人: 吴智庆 | 发布时间: 2010-03-30 | 阅读数:
发布单位:人事科 发布时间: 2010-3-29 14:37:40 各学院(单位): 2009-2010学年聘请的教学型长期外籍教师的考核及续聘工作、2010-2011学年的新聘工作安排如下: 一、现有教学型长期外籍教师的考核及续聘工作 (一)4月1日-4月20日 单位提交考核结果及续聘报告 1.聘期考核 外教填写《Beat365亚洲版官网教学型外籍教师考核及续聘申请表》并提交给学院。请各学院(单位)依据现任外教的聘用合同,对所有现有外教履行岗位职责的情况,进行认真的考核。 考核结果请填写《教学型长期外籍教师考核结果汇总表》。考核不合格者不得予以续聘。 2.续聘手续 对于拟续聘的外教请提交如下材料: 1.《Beat365亚洲版官网教学型外籍教师考核及续聘申请表》(分个人填写和单位填写两部分) 2.《新学年(期)拟聘教学型长期外籍教师任务汇总表》(单位填写) 3.《健康告知书》 4. 护照于最近一年内更换者,还应提供新的护照复印件 (二)4月20日-5月15日 学校审批各单位续聘报告 (三)5月15日-5月31日 签订续聘合同 续聘报告审批通过后,人事处将详细审批结果书面通知各单位,请各单位届时到人事处领取国家外国专家标准合同、我校合同附件(空白模板附后),组织外教签订,并于截止日期前统一交给人事处。 (四) 6月1日-6月12日 人事处为已提交合同的外教办理团体商业医疗保险的延期,并转请国际处为其办理签证和居留许可的延期。 二、2010-2011学年拟新聘外教的聘任工作 (一)4月15日-7月17日 各单位提交新聘报告 拟新聘外教应提供如下材料: 1.《Beat365亚洲版官网教学型外籍教师应聘申请表》(分个人填写和单位填写两部分) 2.《新学年(期)拟聘教学型长期外籍教师任务汇总表》(单位填写) 3. 应聘者详细简历 4. 应聘者护照身份证明页复印件 5. 应聘者学位证书复印件 6. 应聘者上一任职单位推荐信至少一封(若上一任职单位在中国大陆境内,则须由该单位出具《外国文教专家和外籍专业人员推荐信》;若上一任职单位在境外,则无统一格式要求。) 7. 应聘者近期详细体检报告(最好在一年内) 8. 应聘者《健康告知书》 (二)新聘报告的审批通常需要十个工作日。 (三)新聘报告审批通过后,人事处将详细审批结果书面通知各单位,请各单位届时到人事处领取国家外国专家标准合同、我校合同附件,组织外教签订,(尚未抵达厦门者,可通过电子邮件或传真签订,报到时再签订原件),并于十个工作日内交给人事处。 (四)新聘外教的合同提交后,人事处将适时为外籍教师办理团体商业医疗保险,并转请国际处为其办理工作许可及签证方面的手续。 三、目前尚未确定新聘外教人选、需在我处网站上发布招聘广告的单位,请尽快提交拟发布的招聘广告。模板可从人事处获得。 四、相关材料应以学院为单位统一提交,于各步骤规定日期前送到人事处人事科,逾期恕不受理。 五、相关表格请见附件。 六、联系人:叶丛葵 电子邮件:personnel@xmu.edu.cn 电话:2186239 附件: 1.《教学型长期外籍教师考核结果汇总表》 2.《新学年(期)拟聘教学型长期外籍教师任务汇总表》 3.《Beat365亚洲版官网教学型外籍教师考核及续聘申请表》 4.《健康告知书》 5.《Beat365亚洲版官网教学型外籍教师应聘申请表》 6.《外国文教专家和外籍专业人员推荐信》 7. 国家外国专家局标准合同 8. 我校合同附件 人 事 处 二○一○年三月二十九日 Notice on the Assessment and Employment Affairs of the Long-term teaching-oriented Foreign Teachers, 2010 To relevant Colleges (Institution): Please see below the schedule of the assessment and contract-renewal affairs of long-term teaching-oriented foreign teachers employed in the school year of 2009-2010 and the employment of new candidates for the school year of 2010-2011. I.The assessment and contract-renewal affairs of the current long-term teaching-oriented foreign teachers (I)April 1-April 20 Please hand in the assessment result and contract-renewal report. Please assess the teachers to see whether they have fulfilled their job responsibilities, based on the employing contract of each. Please put the results in the Summary Form of Assessment Results of the Long-term Teaching-oriented Foreign Teachers. Those who do not pass the assessment will not be offered a position next school year. The required documents for the candidates who your college/institution wishes to renew contract with are as follows: A.Contract Performance Assessment and Application for Renewing Contract (filled by the candidate and the employing institution) B.Summary of the Teaching Plans for the Long-term Teaching-oriented Foreign Teachers (to be filled in by the institution) C.Health Statement (by the candidate) D.Copy of passport photopage if the candidate obtained a new passport in the past year (II)April 20-May 15 The university processes and approves the reports from each institution. (III)May 15- May 31 Signing of the New Contract After the reports from each institution are approved, the Personnel Department will notify each employing institution of the approved details. The institution should get the blank original contract documents from Personnel Department and organize the candidates to sign the Standard Contract issued by the State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs and the Contract Appendix stipulated by Xiamen University(attached below), and hand them in to Personnel Department before the deadline. (IV)June 1-June 12 The Personnel Department will renew the group commercial health insurance for each teacher whose contract is collected and forwarded by his/her college/institution, and inform the Office of International Cooperation and Exchange to work on his/her visa and residence permit extention. II、Employment affairs of the new foreign candidates in the school year of 2010-2011 (I)Employment Report should be forwarded by the employing institutions between April 15 and July 17, 2010. The candidates should provide the following materials: 1.Application Form for Foreign Candidates for Teaching Positions at Xiamen University (filled by the candidate and the employing institution) 2.Summary of the Teaching Plans for the Long-term Teaching-oriented Foreign Teachers (filled by the employing institution) 3.Detailed CV. 4.Copy of passport photopage 5.Copy of degree diplomas 6.At least one Recommendation Letter from the latest employer (if it is a Chinese institution, Recommendation Letter Form for the Foreign Teacher or Expert should be provided by the Chinese institution; if it is outside boarders, no form requirements) 7.Detailed Health Check Report recently (report in the latest one year is preferable) 8.Health Statement (II)Approval of the Employment Report usually takes 10 working days. (III)After the approval of the Employment Report, the Personnel Department will notify the employing institutions of the result. The institution should get the blank original contract documents from Personnel Department and organize the candidates to sign the Standard Contract issued by the State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs and the Contract Appendix stipulated by Xiamen University (for the employee who has not arrived Xiamen yet, contract can be signed and sent by email or fax). Contract should be forwarded to the Personnel Department by the employing institution within 10 working days. (IV)After the contract is forwarded, the Personnel Department will buy group commercial health insurance for the foreign teacher at a suitable time and inform the Office of International Cooperation and Exchange to work on his/her permit and visa. III.Employing institutions that have not found suitable candidates and need to advertise on the website of the Personnel Department should forward the advertisement as soon as possible. The template can be obtained from the Personnel Department. IV.The relevant documents should be collected and handed in to the Personnel Department by the college/institution before the deadline of each procedure. No application will be accepted after the deadline. V.All forms mentioned above can be found attached below. VI.Please contact: Ms. Congkui Ye, Email: personnel@xmu.edu.cn, Tel: 0592-2186239. Attachment: 1.Summary Form of Assessment Results of the Long-term Teaching-oriented Foreign Teachers 2.Summary of the Teaching Plans for the Long-term Teaching-oriented Foreign Teachers 3.Contract Performance Assessment and Application for Renewing Contract 4.Health Statement 5.Application Form for Foreign Candidates for Teaching Positions at Xiamen University 6.Recommendation Letter Form for the Foreign Teacher or Expert 7.Standard Contract issued by the State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs 8.the Contract Appendix stipulated by Xiamen University Personnel Management Section Personnel Divison March 29, 2010 附件下载:教学型长期外籍教师考核结果汇总表 附件下载:新学年(期)拟聘教学型长期外籍教师任务汇总表 附件下载:Beat365亚洲版官网教学型外籍教师考核及续聘申请表 附件下载:健康告知书 附件下载:Beat365亚洲版官网教学型外籍教师应聘申请表 附件下载:外国文教专家和外籍专业人员推荐信 附件下载:国家外国专家局标准合同 附件下载:我校合同附件 如果附件打不开, 请按右键将目标另存后,再打开。