Modern China Copyright Law and Practice

作者: 郭懿美 | 发表时间: 2017-11-27
著作名称 Modern China Copyright Law and Practice
作者姓名 郭懿美
系别 法律系
年度 2017
出版单位 Springer
书号 ISBN 978-981-10-5351
出版时间 2017/7/1
著作类别 科研专著
作者顺序 独著
全书字数 628087
本人完成字数 628087
是否项目成果 0
内容简介 Surrounding the outline of China’s Copyright Law, the book does selective case study esp. the typical cases chosen by China’s Supreme People’s Court and Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou IP courts annually in recent years as the local court’s guiding reference to help the readers to learn China’s disputes and resolution from a practical point of view.     The general scope of the books’ content includes preface, copyright object, copyright subject, copyright content, copyright limitations, neighbouring rights, copyright infringement and enforcement, software copyright protection, collective management societies and online copyright protection. The book hopes to offer an opportunity to the readers esp. the graduate students and researchers to know and understand China’s judicial and administrative effort to protect copyright properly as possible as they can and accomplish the requirement of transparency ever since China’s entering into WTO in 2001, as well as provides some useful suggestions during case study if any.     Even though China is not the common law country, the book tries the best to let people in the world realize the important backup power on China’s Copyright protection mechanism from judicial and administrative aspects (esp. from the judicial aspect) and be welcome to do business in China without hesitation.    Generally speaking, the book contains selected typical cases involving different category of current China’s Copyright Law. Besides doing case study, it also introduces relevant laws and regulations and discusses some hot issues in academic field e.g. the extended collective license (ECL) implement problem and the definition of “know” of Internet Service Providers (ISPs) etc. in China. Therefore, the book has the purpose to combine the theory with the reality. Ultimately, it can provide a clear and sensible overview of modern China’s Copyright Law and practice.
备注 德意志联邦共和国
入库时间 2017/11/27