Integrating Sustainable Development in International Investment Law

作者: 池漫郊 | 发表时间: 2017-10-27
著作名称 Integrating Sustainable Development in International Investment Law
作者姓名 池漫郊
系别 法律系
年度 2017
出版单位 Routledge
书号 ISBN 978-1-138-18788
出版时间 2017/10/1
著作类别 科研专著
作者顺序 独撰
全书字数 580000
本人完成字数 580000
是否项目成果 0
内容简介 Integrating Sustainable Development in International Investment Law presents an important systematic study of the issue of sustainable development in the international investment law system, using conceptual, normative and governance perspectives to explore the challenges and possible solutions for making international investment law more compatible with sustainable development. Chi suggests that to effectively address the sustainable development concerns associated with transnational investment activities, the international investment agreements system should be reformed. Such reform should feature redesigning the provisions of the agreements, improving the structure of international investment agreements, strengthening the function of soft law, engaging non-state actors and enhancing the dispute settlement mechanism.
备注 58万英文字符数
入库时间 2017/10/27