In these days countries across the world have become extremely dependent on the space economically, socially and militarily, for which any destruction and disturbance caused to the space facilities could inflict disastrous influence on human beings. Although a variety of efforts were made diplomatically and legally, space-militarization remains a serious problem that needs resolving. Meanwhile, there exists a lack of authentic researches and demonstrations on how to apply what laws to resolve those problems.
In view of this, professors from University of Adelaide, University of Exeter, University of Nebraska College of Law, and University of New South Wales in Canberra lead a team and invite experts across the world to collaborate on THE WOOMERA MANUAL ON THE INTERNATIONAL LAW OF MILITARY SPACE OPERATIONS, which aims at gathering and organizing laws regarding military space operations.

A total of 14 core experts, 7 associate experts and 2 technical experts were recruited to work on the manual. Remarkably, Zhang Binxin, an Assistant Professor of XMU Law School, was invited to join the team as a core expert due to her excellent contribution to international humanitarian law. Those experts were from different continents (such as Europe, Australia, Asia and America) and had specialties in various fields such as military, international humanitarian law, and space law. The manual will be finished in two to three years, and after the draft is done, the collaboration team plans to organize State Engagement Events and ask the government for advice. The draft will also be delivered to experts and organizations in fields of international law and space operations for more suggestions.
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