During March 21st-22nd, 2017, the law School of Xiamen University and the law School of Kobe University held the international economic law seminar successfully. The seminar was focused on three issues, which are the WTO law, the International Investment Law, and the International Law of the Sea. Doctor Tamara Dal and Doctor Fujio Kawashima in the law School of Kobe University, and the faculty of International Department, XMU Law School attended the seminar.

The director of International economic law Institute of Xiamen University, Cai Congyan, firstly introduce the background of this seminar. The seminar, that under the strategic co-operation agreement between the law School of Xiamen University and the law School of Kobe University, is a concrete implementation of this agreement. He
appreciated that every speaker’s topic has touched upon the important issues of international law practices in China and Asia. Cai the seminar can strengthen the understanding and cooperation between Chinese and Japanese scholars of international law, then contribute to the practices in China and Japan.
The theme of the first unit is WTO Law. Professor Fujio Kawashima focused on the subsidies and countervailing measures America recently set to China. Professor Chi Manjiao presented his report about the trend of Free Trade Agreement’s practices in China. Then the Vice Professor Fangdong concentrated on the interpretation of the Article 15 in the Agreement on China’s Entry into WTO.
In the unit of international investment law, Professor Tamada Dai focused on the future of the investment chapter in the Trans-Pacific Partnership.
Then Professor Han Xiuli made his report about the Dispute Settlement Mechanism of the BRICKs. Professor Cai Congyan gave a report focused on the national security review in the negotiation of bilateral investment treaty between China and America.
The last unit was about the international law of the sea. Professor Tamada Dai made report about the dispute resolution progress about the sea. Dr. Chang Hong then concentrated on the development of Freedom of the Seas. And Professor Cheng Xifeng gave his report on the dispute settlement system in the UNCLOS.
At the closing ceremony, Professor Tamada Dai made summary of the seminar. He highly rewarded the seminar, thinking it has enhanced the understanding between both sides and has shown the strong academic research ability of XMU Law School in the international law study. Then Professor Tamada Dai expressed the willing in promoting the communication and co-operation between KU and XMU Law School.
Improving the international communication ability is one of the main constructional task/issues, which includes this seminar as a part.
It’s especially worth mentioning that during this seminar the international law creativity team has been showing their highly team spirit. For example, the Vice Professor Chen Xifeng, who is now serving in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs emergently, asked for leave and return to XMU for attending this seminar, without any decline. After the seminar, Vice Professor Chen Xifeng flew back to Beijing and continued important research immediately.
Writer/ International Economic Law Institute and the International Law Creativity Team of Xiamen University
Photographer/ Shang’guan Yi
Translator/ Yi Leye