On the morning of April 16th, Amélie Jean, Director of Student Program of Law School, Université Catholique de Louvain, as well as Virginie Malapert, Director of International Program, paid a visit to XMU Law School, and they were given a warm reception by Dean Song Fangqing and Zhang Wei, Deputy Secretary of Party.
In 2016, an addendum to MOU for exchange programs was signed between XMU and UCL. So far there had been 3 exchange students from UCL Law School coming to XMU to study. This time the purposes of the visit were to discuss the possibilities for further cooperation and to negotiate details of previous addendum.
Dean Song said it was an honor for XMU Law School to have Amelie and Virginie as guests, and she expressed gratitude to them for efforts they had made into cooperation between two universities. It was mentioned by Dean Song that an international class for undergraduates was becoming available soon, and sincerely, she hoped that UCL Law School’s teachers could come to XMU Law School and set up English courses, and in this way students of the international class would have a good understanding of common law system.

Virginie Malapert gave a brief introduction to UCL and said UCL was a group of 30000 students with multi-cultures. In the past few years UCL had been dedicated to development of international exchange programs. Of 5500 international students, 50 were Chinese doctors. Virginie told Dean Song that UCL was looking forward to receiving more and more XMU Law School students and teachers to conduct researches and cooperation.
Université Catholique de Louvain, founded in Brussels in 1425, is one of the most age-old and prestigious universities in Belgium, as well as one of top universities in the world. Since 1968, University of Leuven was split into two: Catholic University of Louvain and Université Catholique de Louvain.